On Monday 10th June 2024, Bradford Cathedral Director of Education and Visitors Maggie Myers will present a talk on two of the rare altar cloths held in the building
Each month Bradford Cathedral holds the ‘Monday Fellowship’, featuring a speaker who presents an hour-long talk on the subject of their choosing.
In June, Bradford Cathedral’s Director of Education and Visitors Maggie Myers will present the talk ‘Tales of our Textiles – Part 1’. This will include stories of two of the Bradford Cathedral altar frontals: the ‘Khartoum Altar Frontal’ and the World War One ‘Khaki Altar Frontal’.
Maggie Myers, Director of Education and Visitors at Bradford Cathedral, says:
“We are so fortunate at Bradford Cathedral to hold a number of historically significant and beautifully-embroidered altar frontals. The World War One Khaki altar frontal is on display in the Cathedral’s Chapter House, but this isn’t open to the public, and the Khartoum altar frontal is little-known, even by many people connected with the Cathedral, and it is in too fragile a state for use.
“The Monday Fellowship talk will therefore provide an opportunity for people to learn more about their fascinating stories and how they ended up as part of the Cathedral textiles’ collection.”
‘Monday Fellowship’ is held every month on the second Monday in the de Lacy Centre, in the grounds of Bradford Cathedral. All are welcome to attend, whether you wish to come monthly, as a one-off or dip in and out. All talks are followed by refreshments.
‘Tales of our Textiles – Part 1’ takes place on Monday 10th June at 2pm in the de Lacy Centre in the grounds of Bradford Cathedral. Entry is free.