The service takes place on Sunday 29th September and will include a performance by the Grace Notes children’s Choir. Harvest-themed educational resources are also available.

All are welcome to attend Bradford Cathedral’s Harvest Festival service on Sunday 29th September 2024 at 10:30am.

The service – which this year has an ‘international’ theme – will also see Bradford Cathedral’s Grace Notes – a community choir for children aged 6 to 12 – performing the Harvest Samba.

During the Offertory Hymn, the congregation will be encouraged to bring harvest gifts to the front, in support of Inn Churches, one of Bradford Cathedral’s mission partners.

Donations are also welcome at other times, ahead of Monday 30th September, when they will be collected by Inn Churches. All types of donated food are welcome, including fresh produce.

Inn Churches provide practical support to those that need it most across the Bradford District. Through their activities they try to empower people who are homeless, vulnerably housed, hungry or cold, helping them to help themselves to make permanent and lasting change with dignity and choice.

You can find out more about the work of Inn Churches on their website at

The Revd Canon Ned Lunn, Canon for Intercultural Mission and the Arts, says:
“This Sunday is our Harvest Festival and this year it will have an international tone to it as we hear about and celebrate some different customs from other parts of the world.

“All are invited to bring ‘fruits of their harvest’ whatever that means for you. It might be food you buy from a supermarket; it might be fresh fruit that you have grown; it might be a financial gift.

“During the offertory song we will process our gifts to the front and symbolically give them to God as part of our worship.”

Alongside the service, there are also other harvest-themed offerings available on the Bradford Cathedral website, including educational resources and a how-to video, where you can learn how to create a leaf bowl; bird feeder; and decorated gift tags.

This year’s Harvest Festival service takes place on Sunday 29th September at 10:30am, and you can also join online via the Bradford Cathedral YouTube channel or Facebook page. Donations of food produce are welcome at the Cathedral up until Monday 30th September.

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