We were delighted to welcome volunteers from the Canal & River Trust last week as they prepared for their regular upcoming walks along the route of the Bradford Canal, starting in the grounds of Bradford Cathedral, as part of the City of Culture year.

They began with a look at some of the relevant memorials in the Cathedral, including to Abraham Balme, who oversaw the construction of the Bradford Canal, and Joseph Priestley, who supervised the construction of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.

Sharron Bright, Community Roots Engagement Coordinator for Yorkshire and the North East, said that “it was great to link the memorials in the Cathedral to the content of the walk and I feel it really made it come to life.”

If you’d like to take part in one of the walks retracing the route of the old Bradford Canal and its impact on the industrial heritage of Bradford, then you can book your free tickets today on Eventbrite.

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