Bradford Cathedral

Choral Eucharist: The Liturgy of Ascension Day

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On Ascension Day, the fortieth day of Easter, the church celebrates the ascension of Jesus Christ to the right hand of the Father, and that Jesus reigns with him in glory. During Ascensiontide, the days between Ascension Day and Pentecost Sunday, the Church remembers that Christ commissions his disciples to continue his work, promises the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is no longer among us the flesh. The celebration of the Ascension is, therefore, also a time of prayer  that the Church will be filled with the Holy Spirit to continue Christ’s work on earth whilst we await his Second Coming. All are invited to come and join us for prayer and celebration, led by the Cathedral Clergy and Choir. If you plan to come, please sign up using the form below.

In the contemporary Church of England, this time between Ascension and Pentecost has been the inspiration for the creation of “Thy Kingdom Come”. Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. What started in 2016 as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. For further information, please see

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Date And Time

Thursday, May 29, 2025 @ 19:00 to
Thursday, May 29, 2025 @ 20:30



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