During June and July, Mencap Supported Interns in Bradford have been undertaking projects around the city including gardening, litter-picking and photography.

A series of photographs were taken in Bradford Cathedral and the Cathedral grounds using phone and tablets, and were displayed in Kala Sangam Arts Centre at a special exhibition on Wednesday 14th July. Photos shown included those capturing the Cathedral clock-tower against the blue sky of a beautiful summer’s day and close-ups of the historic monuments within the nave.

Thanks to the support of local companies and organisations, the photographs were printed and framed for the exhibition, with sales on the day going to support Step 2 Young People’s Health and Vital – Mental Health Advocacy, local charities that rely on fundraising to provide essential services in the local area.
The main photo shows intern Bilal alongside Suzanne, a Royal Mencap Society caseworker, next to some of the work that was exhibited on the day.

Suzanne said of the event:
“The exhibition was well received with visitors from the NHS, Bradford Council, Step 2, Vital Projects, other areas of Mencap; as well as friends and family. We have raised over £165 so far, which will be going to Step 2 and Vital Projects. We sold over 30 photographs and the feedback was excellent, especially for the photographs of Bradford Cathedral.

“The learners had an amazing day and really enjoyed seeing everyone’s positive reactions to all their hard work.”

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