VOCES8 hold ‘Big Afternoon Sing’ and concert

VOCES8 hold ‘Big Afternoon Sing’ and concert

On Tuesday 15th November we welcomed Voces8 to Bradford Cathedral for an afternoon event and an evening concert, which followed on from earlier sessions held in schools. Alexander Berry, our Director of Music, said of the day: “VOCES8 led a very engaging Big...
Bradford Cathedral to host Organ Spectacular

Bradford Cathedral to host Organ Spectacular

Discover how organs are built, have a go at being an organist, and see an organ that dates back to Tudor times! The Wingfield Organ in Bradford Cathedral The Bradford Organists’ Association are back at Bradford Cathedral for the return of their ‘Organ Spectacular’,...
All Souls’ Service to Remember Departed Loved Ones

All Souls’ Service to Remember Departed Loved Ones

The Eucharist service on Wednesday 2nd November 2022 will also feature Mozart’s Requiem, sung by the Cathedral Consort. On All Souls’ Day – Wednesday 2nd November – Bradford Cathedral will be hosting a special Eucharist at 7:30pm. During the Eucharist, the names...
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