
Your support of Bradford Cathedral is so important to us. It will help us to conserve and protect our wonderful Cathedral and continue to deliver our public ministry for all. It costs over £2,000 each day to run the Cathedral and we are very reliant on the kindness and generosity of our congregation and public donations to help us continue our work. We are extremely grateful for your donation – THANK YOU.

Don’t forget, if you’re a UK tax payer please Gift Aid your donation. If you do, every £1 you donate is worth £1.25 to us.

Registered Charity No.1206572

You can also donate by texting SEED followed by the amount you wish to give (max £20) to 70450  (eg.Seed 15 to give £15). Texts cost gift value, plus one standard message.

Alternatively, you can send a cheque made payable to Bradford Cathedral to Bradford Cathedral, Stott Hill, Bradford, BD1 4EH.

Thank you.


Become a Patron

Become a Patron of Bradford Cathedral and help support its future

It costs over £2,000 a day to maintain the wonderful building that is Bradford Cathedral, to run our music, education and arts programmes, and continue to be open every day as a place of welcome to all. You can help play a vital part in our future, helping to ensure we continue to be a special place of welcome and hope in our city. As a Patron, making a regular gift to the Cathedral, you will be supporting many important areas of our work.

All our Patrons are acknowledged on the Bradford Cathedral website.

The easiest way to sign up to become a Patron of Bradford Cathedral is to press the relevant buttons below to choose your patron level, and then complete and return our patrons’ leaflet to

Alternatively you can send a completed form, with a cheque payable to Bradford Cathedral, 1 Stott Hill, Bradford, BD1 4EH. Please gift aid your monthly or one-off donation/s wherever possible and mark your envelope ‘Patron scheme’.

For more information about becoming a Patron, see our patrons’ leaflet or contact us by e-mail on or by phone on 01274 777720

£250 or £20 a month


  • Knowing that Patrons are helping the Cathedral to flourish
  • Invite to an annual Patrons’ Reception at the Cathedral
  • Patrons lapel badge
  • Half yearly Patrons’ enewsletter including updates on how support is helping

St Aidan Patron
£500 or £40 a month


  • All of the Patron benefits plus
  • Two tickets to an event of your choice, chosen from any of our three What’s On programmes per year (or a contribution of £40 towards tickets if ticket price is higher)

St Peter Patron
£1,000 or £82 a month


  • All of the Patron benefits plus
  • A private, VIP behind the scenes tour of the Cathedral for a party of up to six people
  • VIP invite to events through the year, and a Patrons’ Christmas gathering at the Deanery and Nine Lessons with Carols

Corporate Patron
£500 one-off payment per annum

As a Corporate Patron your business can raise its profile by playing a vital part in the preservation and development of the Cathedral. By becoming a Patron you will be helping the Cathedral in a lasting and meaningful way.




  • Invite to an annual Patrons’ Reception at the Cathedral
  • Presentation of a Patrons’ Certificate
  • Partnership rate for hire of the Cathedral for an event (normally Corporate rate applies) and free use of our meeting rooms (de Lacy Centre or Chapter House) on two occasions per calendar year
easyfundraising image


Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Bradford Cathedral with easyfundraising?

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

1. Go to the easyfundraising website and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Bradford Cathedral at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges andwe will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.

Find out more by visiting our page on the easyfundraising website.

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