Leaving A Gift

People have come to Bradford Cathedral for generations, to worship and pray, to reflect and find peace, to enjoy the beauty of our wonderful building. Today, we continue to welcome people of all faiths and none, and to serve the most vulnerable in our diverse communities.

A gift in your will can help us to continue to be a witness to God’s love, and a place of welcome and blessing for future generations.

Generosity and giving are at the heart of our faith. Making a gift in your will can be a joyful expression of gratitude and thanksgiving, as well as helping to ensure that the Cathedral and all those who share in its life, flourish in the future.

For more information about leaving a gift in your will, see our Legacy leaflet below, or contact Sharon Link by e-mail or on 01274 777720


Registered Charity No.1206572

Our Legacy Policy

  1. Bradford Cathedral welcomes legacy gifts, however large or small, and we promise to use such gifts to i) care for the ancient fabric of the Cathedral and ensure that it is preserved for future generations, and ii) to make a difference to the communities we serve. Our Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund significant work, whether buildings, equipment or staff related.
  2. In line with the Cathedral’s Fundraising Policy, Donations Acceptance Criteria, we will never accept gifts which compromise the Cathedral’s ethical position, harm its reputation, or put future funding at risk.
  3. Since needs change over the years, we encourage those wanting to leave a legacy gift to the Cathedral to do so for the general purposes of the Cathedral rather than for a restricted purpose. We will discuss possible uses of gifts with executors when the time comes, bearing in mind the individual’s known areas of interest in the Cathedral (e.g. buildings, music and the arts, education, children and young people) and the Cathedral’s priorities at the time. Individuals can be confident that legacy gifts will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.
  4. We acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most appropriate. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.
  5. We believe it is important for everyone to have a will, but we will always recommend that individuals take independent advice and speak to a solicitor if they wish to write, or make changes to, a will.
  6. We ask those who intend to leave a legacy gift to the Cathedral to let us know, as this helps us with our long term planning. Our legacy leaflet includes an intentions form for this purpose. However, we fully respect the rights of individuals to remain anonymous if they wish. In all cases, we will respect individual privacy, and adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation guidelines 2018.
  7. Anyone wishing to talk to someone in confidence about the sorts of purposes a legacy gift might fund, and how/if they would like their gift to be acknowledged, should contact Sharon Link by e-mail or on on 01274 77 77 20. Any members of the Cathedral congregation preferring to have a conversation with one of our clergy team is welcome to do so.
  8. Anyone who would like to make a gift to the Cathedral in memoriam, is welcome to come and discuss this with us too. It can be a wonderful and appropriate way to remember a loved one.
  9. This policy is to be reviewed by Chapter annually.

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