Here are our latest news stories. Use the links below to see older stories.
The Society of Royal Cumberland Youths to ring the Bradford Cathedral bells as part of its 2024 country meeting
We are delighted to be welcoming The Society of Royal Cumberland Youths (SRCY) to the Cathedral on Thursday 11th July.
Remembering the Bradford PALS 45 Years On From Plaque Installation: Educational Resources, video, memorial service
Bradford Cathedral has a plaque in honour of the Bradford Pals – the 16th and 18th battalions West Yorkshire regiment – “who fought for our freedom and many of whom died on the Flanders fields. We give thanks to God for every remembrance of them.”
Bradford Cathedral marks 25th and 50th ordination anniversaries at this year’s annual St. Peter Sunday service
This year, as well as marking the Saints’ Day and its particular importance for this Cathedral Church, it is also an important anniversary for two of our clergy team.
Always Look Up: Bradford Cathedral appears in Cathedral Ceilings campaign
The Association of English Cathedrals have introduced their new exciting Summer 2024 campaign – Cathedral Ceilings, Always Look Up.
Bradford Cathedral’s Maufe Candlesticks sent for conservation to protect their future
The ‘Maufe Candlesticks’ at Bradford Cathedral have been packed up ahead of planned conservation work.
Magnificent millennium tapestry to be the subject of the next Bradford Cathedral Monday Fellowship talk
Dianne Excell will present the talk “The Heaton Millennium Tapestry: A Village in Stitches” at 2pm on Monday 8th July in the Bradford Cathedral de Lacy Centre.
Notes from an Organist: Francesca Massey (London)
In this edition of ‘Notes from an Organist’ we discover more about them, and what to expect from their recital, including performing for the first time in the Netherlands; being a founder member of the City of Birmingham Symphony Youth Chorus; and how to make a great compilation of organ music.
Listen back to the world premiere of organ piece by Leeds-based composer
Back in early May, Bradford’s Assistant Director of Music Anthony Gray took to the organ to play the world premiere of Kambaramayanam-34 at Bradford Cathedral. Written by Leeds-based composer Dr Niki Zohdi, the piece is now available to hear on our Soundcloud page.
The amazing challenge to build Bradford Cathedral from card and paper!
You can now watch the first video all about the creation of a model Bradford Cathedral. Look out for more information on this amazing project soon!
Bradford Cathedral Sunday Evensong goes soprano-only, and will include classic le Carré adaptation closing theme
This Sunday’s Evensong at Bradford Cathedral will feature the sopranos of the Cathedral Consort whilst the choristers, altos, tenors and basses are away on a ‘Safari’ Evensong visit to St Peter’s Church, Rawdon.