Lent at Bradford Cathedral
The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday – Wednesday 5th March 2025. Bradford Cathedral will be marking this with a service of Choral Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes at 7pm, a service which is in addition to the two regular said services on the Wednesday morning at 8:15am and 10:15am. All are welcome at these services.
Alongside these extra services, the Cathedral’s regular pattern of worship continues. On Sundays these are the 8am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer; the 10:30am Choral Eucharist; and the 3:30pm Choral Evensong.
Other opportunities to gather for prayer include Morning and Evening Prayer online at 9am and 5:30pm; Midday Prayer at 12noon; Choral Evensong on Mondays and Tuesdays at 5:30pm; and services of Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 8:15am and 10:15am.
As well as these there will be a Lent Retreat and services to mark the World Day of Prayer.
“We would be delighted to invite you to any of the events or services that are taking place over this season.
You will be sure of a generous and warm welcome.”
The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday
Wednesday 5th March | 7pm
“Remember that you are dust”. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent with an opportunity to embrace both our finitude and the mercy and power of God.
Lent Retreat with Bishop Toby
Saturday 8th March | 10am
A time to pause and reflect on the rhythms of our lives.
This retreat will offer opportunities to reflect, pray, be silent and connect with others.
Lent is a time to follow Jesus more closely in our world today and to prepare our hearts and minds for Good Friday and Easter.
All are welcome. Please do bring along friends and parishioners.
The event is free but it will help to know if you are planning to attend.
To book your place, please email carmel.dylak@leeds.anglican.org.
Compline during Lent
Compline will be sung by the choristers during Lent on Thursdays at 6:15pm in the Cathedral. All are welcome.
World Day of Prayer Service
Friday 7th March | 2pm
Each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this profound truth, everything in our life changes and we begin to radiate and shine from within. We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God. This service will invite us to notice aspects of our divinely created bodies that we often take for granted.
Visit Us:
Opening times
Monday-Saturday 10am – 4pm
please see our what’s on calendar for any changes
What to See?
Bradford Cathedral has been a site of Christian worship since the 7th century. Explore over 1000 years of history in the heart of Bradford. We also have a wealth of Morris & Co. stained glass, 18th Century monuments and a range of contemporary and historic textiles.
Lenten Services
Worship is the heartbeat of Cathedral life and is offered daily through online Morning and Evening Prayer and the seven services each week. The main weekly service is on Sunday at 10:30 am which is also live-streamed. You can download an Order of service in advance or use the Proclaim app instead of an Order of Service.
What is Ash Wednesday?
The name ‘Ash Wednesday’ comes from the use of ashes on this day, which are an ancient sign of penitence. From the Middle Ages it became the custom to begin Lent by being marked in ash with the sign of the cross.
Lent is the 40-day period that begins on Ash Wednesday. The length of Lent reflects Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, and is a time of study and devotion for Christians. Many Christians today will take on extra works of charity, helping and supporting others as part of their Lenten “fast”.
Lent also emerged in Christian history as a time of study and devotion. Historically, many new Christians also prepared throughout Lent for their baptism, and entry into the life of God’s Church, at Easter.
The Revd Pete Gunstone, Acting Precentor:
“Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, with an opportunity to embrace both our finitude and the mercy and power of God. We hope you can join us for our reflective worship at the start of Lent.”
Living Hope
his Lent we are encouraged to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times.
The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 is Living Hope.
In Lent we journey with Jesus on the difficult and thorny road that leads all the way to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day.
God invites us to bring to him our own journey through everyday life. In the disappointment of daily setbacks and the pain of deeper hurts, we discover that God is present with us. And God promises a future where all things are healed and made new.
Living Hope offers us the opportunity to deepen our hope in God and be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world.
School Resources
Bradford Cathedral has also made available online resources for the season of Lent, for teachers, parents and carers.
Shrove Tuesday
- Shrove Tuesday – Information
- Shrove Tuesday Fun facts – Questions
- Shrove Tuesday Fun facts – Answers