Every year, Bradford Cathedral runs singing workshops in primary schools all across Bradford. They are an inclusive, free singing opportunity for children in Years 2 to 6. We hear every child sing, and promising children are given golden tickets, inviting them to attend Cathedral Sing!.
Sign up for CathedralSing! 2024 here.
After Cathedral Sing!, children can sign up for Grace Notes. During their first term, members of Grace Notes learn more about singing and learn new pieces to sing in the cathedral. All members of Grace Notes have the chance to audition for the Cathedral Choir and are helped to prepare during rehearsals.
Children who are show promise in their audition become ‘probationer’ choristers, the junior members of the choir. They attend regular cathedral rehearsals and services, receive dedicated musical and singing training, and prepare for the commitment expected of full choristers. A child normally remains a probationer chorister for two to three terms, after which they have the opportunity to become full choristers.
Becoming a chorister is a fantastic opportunity. It requires hard work and full commitment from both the chorister and their family. We expect choristers to stay until the end of Year 8 (or for boys until their voices change).
Bradford Cathedral choristers benefit, free of charge, from a programme of individual and group tuition worth over £1500 per year per child. The costs of tuition and music examinations are covered by the cathedral. We are immensely grateful to the Friends of Cathedral Music, The Emerald Foundation, and the Liz & Terry Bramall Foundation for the financial support they give to the cathedral’s music programme.
We are delighted to hear from children who love singing and would like to audition for the Cathedral Choir. In the first instance, please contact our Director of Music, Graham Thorpe, by email (graham.thorpe@bradfordcathedral.org), or telephone (07507 455 979).