Prayer & Study

Morning and Evening Prayer

All are welcome to join us for Morning, Midday and Evening Prayer, which comprises the prayerful reading of the scriptures and intercessory prayer. This is led by the clergy from the cathedral or by others. Participants may either listen or take a speaking role.

At the heart of our new vision is a commitment to being a community of prayer and study. All are invited and most welcome to join the Cathedral Clergy for prayer and the reading of the scriptures on Mondays – Saturdays, with the details listed below. We look forward to welcoming you.

Morning Prayer: 9am – 9:30am

You can join us online, using the details below
Phone             020 3957 3722 then, when prompted, key in 255851314#

Midday Prayer: 12noon – 12:15pm
You can join us in-person in the Lady Chapel

Evening Prayer: 5:30pm – 6pm
You can join us online, using the details below
Phone             020 3937 2140 then, when prompted, key in 186694145#


For those joining us in-person…

Whilst prayer books are available, you may find it helpful to have downloaded the Church of England’s Daily Prayer app (for Morning and Evening Prayer) and/or Time to Pray app (for Midday Prayer, aka Prayer During the Day).

For those joining us online…

You will need access to the text for the relevant day. You may access this by finding the relevant day and time via the Church of England’s Daily Prayer app or the web page. It may be helpful to have this hand on another device. It is also possible to use the book, Common Worship: Daily Prayer (if so, please let the leader know, so that they can inform you of the relevant page numbers).

You will then need to join the Google Meet room. To do this, click on the appropriate link noted above. Apart from the informal conversation before and after the time of prayer, participants are asked to keep their microphones muted, unless they are taking a speaking role.

Request a Prayer

Just a Minute

Just a Minute is an open group meeting immediately following the Sunday 10:30 am service. In the group anyone shares comments and questions arising from their experience of the service.

Rhythm of Life

“As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning.

I would like to invite you to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Some key areas will be given special attention: praying, encouraging, sharing, reflecting, celebrating, resting and creating.”

Bishop Nick Baines

To join in, there are four simple steps:

  1. Taking stock
  2. Making one or more practical commitments
  3. Participating with others
  4. Reviewing your commitments periodically


For more information please visit the Rhythm of Life website.

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