Area V: Tower & West end of NaveM. S.
Mariæ Lister Samuelis Lister nuper de Maningham in hac parochiâ arm, viduæ, et Francisci et Dorothæ. Stapleton nuper de parva Horton in hac parochiâ Fillæ: Quæ

Obit 21: die Aprilis A:D: 1809
Æt: suæ 72.

Cui pudor, et justitlæ soror incorrupta fides, nudaque veritas quando ullam invenient parem!


Sacred to the memory of Mary Lister widow of Samuel Lister, Knight, formerly of Manningham in this Parish and daughter of Francis and Dorothy Stapleton, formerly of Little Horton in this Parish, who died on the 21st day of April A.D.1809 aged 72. When will they find a sister to her modesty, her justice or any equal to her incorruptible loyalty and her simple trustworthiness!
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