We are very pleased to be welcoming two first-year students from Mirfield Theological College on placement with us until Palm Sunday 2021.
Kayleigh and Joshua will be around most Sundays and joining in online activities during the week.
The purpose of the placement is to enable them to reflect on different contexts of ministry.
This is the first time that Bradford Cathedral have had students from a theological college on placement with us.
Here are Kayleigh and Joshua giving an introduction to themselves:
I am really looking forward to getting to know you over the next few months whilst Josh and I are on placement with you. These are strange times, but I hope that we will be able to meet more of you soon – restrictions allowing – and worship alongside you during this period.
I am a first year Ordinand training for incumbent ministry at the College of the Resurrection in Mirfield. I am from the Diocese of Oxford, having lived in Witney for nearly 10 years, though will always call Devon ‘Home’. My church involvement, before embarking on training, involved serving as Churchwarden in the Benefice of Witney and co-hosted a group for secondary school students – among other tasks. In my working life, I worked for company that specialised in animal welfare auditing, focussed in the agricultural sector. I worked there for nearly 11 years, before I was made redundant 2 weeks before my BAP; God really does have a plan for you!
The next 3 years of training will fly by and I am grateful of the time we get, both within the College and on placement, to get new experiences which we can take forward into our future ministry.
May God bless you!
I am delighted that I will be joining you on placement over the next few months. I hope to be immersed alongside you fully in the life of the cathedral in praise of God and our saviour Christ; marvelling at all that has been done for us, all that we are called to now and with hope, a glimpse of what is yet to come.
I am a training for incumbent ministry at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield. Prior to this, I travelled the globe in command of long-haul airplanes. My career ended quite suddenly with the pandemic putting the industry, like many others, in jeopardy. I recognise how abundantly God has granted me new life and direction unlike so many who have been left jobless and struggling.
Time at college will be short and just the beginning of a lifetime of learning, serving and continually reflecting as to what God calls of me. I hope to share whilst I am with you something of the beauty of college life. We gain a rhythm of encountering God through prayer and sacramental worship that I know is transformational.
I would be grateful for your continued prayer as I embark on both the academics and formation that will prepare me, God willing, for ministry. When you let go of your own expectations and open up to God, and are prepared to encounter him; he is there. We are all called to something.
Yours in Christ