Vocations Sunday – Sunday 25th April – will be the final Sunday when Bradford Cathedral will host the two trainee clergy who have been on placement from Mirfield Theological College for the past six months – Kayleigh and Josh.

You can find out more about them in our earlier blog post from November 2020 and read their thoughts on the placement in their updates below.


As my placement with you draws to a close, it feels strange that six months have passed since it started. I would like to say a massive thank you to all those who have supported me during this time. I am sorry that due to coronavirus restrictions I have not been able to meet and get to know more of you. It has however been a privilege to share in worship with you although from our different physical locations. Thank you also to the team and volunteers who have taken time to talk through their roles in the Cathedral and their responsibilities in the Mission and Ministry within Bradford.

The sense of community you have maintained during these times has been clearly felt and I have enjoyed getting to know some of you a bit better during the after-service coffee on Zoom or during the weekly bible study as we have journeyed through Genesis.

Thank you again for all your support and commitment. I will continue to hold you all in my prayers during the appointment of a new Dean and as I continue my next two years of training and beyond.

God bless. Kayleigh


Worshipping alongside the community of Bradford cathedral has been of incredible valuable and a real delight, even with the limitations imposed by present restrictions. A placement predominantly behind a closed door, with the only way of connecting to the congregation being through a camera or zoom screen, has been far from normal. However, it has enabled me to experience a unique learning experience like no other. I am so very grateful for the invitation, welcome and opportunity granted to me to join with you all.

I have been glad to partake in many different ways which has principally focussed on the Sunday Eucharist. As I have been training in a college with a rigorous monastic rhythm it has been a little treat to venture out to Bradford each week. It has been a privilege to participate in the live stream that reaches out to the many who, by staying at home, did their part in keeping one another safe. The dedicated team of clergy, musicians, vergers, staff and volunteer teams I have also been able to meet (although mostly by zoom) have given me a real appreciation of the unique offering of cathedral worship and outreach.

It is my first of three years training as an ordinand. It continues to be my privilege to, God willing, be offering myself forward for ordination to the Priesthood. The last few months at the cathedral has contributed immensely to my continuing discernment and training in order to prepare me for this wonderful new ministry that God has asked of me. If anyone has felt that God may be nudging them and asking them to consider some form of ministry within the church, please do contact with me through one of the cathedral clergy and I would be so glad to share my story and journey.

I ask for your continued prayers and assure you that I will be praying for you, the people of Bradford and for the cathedral’s outreach and future mission. A prayer that I hold very close to my heart is that of Saint Faustina Kowalska, who invites us simply to pray, ‘Jesus, I trust in you’. Trust Jesus always, our Saviour, our life, our light. In him is joy beyond measure.

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