On Friday 18th November, the Very Revd Andy Bowerman, Dean of Bradford, was privileged to be the guest speaker at a service to pray for all those involved in and impacted by the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

More than 500 people from across the international community gathered at The Church of the Epiphany in Doha to mark the occasion.

Choirs from Indonesia, India, Africa and the host church own group led worship with aspects included from around the globe. The congregation prayed for a spirit of freedom, grace and justice for the coming weeks, as teams gather for the tournament.

Dean Andy spoke of the need for courage, conviction and the ability to live and speak as a counter-cultural example in the places where God has called to live and serve; recognising that the prize which lasts is not temporary in nature but eternal.

He will remain in the region for another week or so, offering pastoral support to some of those playing at the World Cup whom he has a long term relationship with. He will also be part of a small delegation to meet with members of the organising committee. This will give an opportunity to speak into some of the challenges in the build up to the event.

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