On Wednesday 30th November 2022 we welcome Angela Sones from Lichfield for the next of this season’s organ recitals. Here we find out more about her including dreams of being a piano teacher, making music in Paris and how the organ is ‘The king of instruments’.

Could you introduce yourself, how you got into music / become an organist and your musical journey to where you are today?
My name is Angela Sones and I graduated from The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire BMus(Hons) in 1997 with my degree in organ performance. My tutors were Andrew Fletcher and David Saint. I first heard the organ as a chorister at St Michaels church, Boldmere. I began having piano lessons at the age of 10 years old and finally progressed to organ lessons three years later, when my theory teacher, Barry Draycott, suggested I should learn to my mum!

I knew that my vocation would be in music after my first ever piano lesson, when I announced that I wanted to be a piano teacher when I grew up! I have held various church organist posts and held the position of Director of Music at All Saints’ Parish Church, Four Oaks for 27 years.

I am currently enjoying being freelance and the various opportunities that brings with organ recitals and also as a choral accompanist. I also have my own private teaching practice in Piano, organ and theory of music.

What can people expect from your recital at Bradford Cathedral?
When compiling organ recital programmes, I try to include something for everybody, a mix of styles and textures whilst injecting an element of fun with the inclusion of a lighter styled piece.

Why do you enjoy playing the organ?
I draw a great sense of enjoyment from playing the organ and exploring the various colours of the instrument. No two organs are the same and the power of playing powerful works on the instrument in a large acoustic brings out a great feeling of adrenalin and joy. The organ surely is ‘The king of instruments’!

Do you have a particular favourite piece out of those you are playing?
My favourite piece that I am playing in my recital is César Franck’s Chorale No. 2. I have been lucky enough to enjoy participating in masterclasses in Paris and there is no finer feeling in playing French music on the instruments of which they were intended. The Chorale No 2 is a tempestuous work that involves very happy memories for me.

Each recital this season includes a piece from The Orgelbüchlein Project – what was it like learning this piece / why did you pick that particular piece?
I have chosen to play two Chorale Preludes from the Orgelbüchlein Project. The Nigel Allcoat chorale is in Neo Baroque style with some dissonance but is quite thought provoking. The Chorale after Maurice Duruflé was the most obvious choice to learn, and is I think, my favourite chorale prelude.

Having received tuition on Duruflé’s works in Paris, and on the organs that Duruflé played, from Frederic Blanc – a direct pupil of Duruflé, this was an easy decision. I find it very appealing and hope that you do too.

Finally, how would you sum up your upcoming recital at Bradford Cathedral?
I am thrilled to be invited to play for you, for the first time at Bradford Cathedral and hope that you enjoy my recital.

You can join us on Wednesday 30th November at 1pm for Angela Sones’ organ recital, with an optional £4 buffet lunch beforehand at 12:30pm.

You can discover more about our organ recital season on our dedicated page.

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