Area A: Kitchen areaIn Sacrario hujus Ecctiæ depositce fuerunt Reliquice Graciæ nuper uxoris GUL. Rawson de Braford, Gen; quæ obijt 19 dio Decembris 1716.
Fuit altera Filia & Hæres Jeremiæ Rossendale Generosi defunct.

Infrahane couimnam hositi sunt cineres Gulielmi Rawson de Bradford Gen: Viri Seientiã Usu’q Rerum diutiffime memo randi Obiit 2do die Feb. A.D. 1737 Ætat: 66

Jeremias fit. Jerem. et Frances. nat 22 Tunij 1736 ob 19 May 1738.

Francesca fit. Jerem. et Frances. nat. 19 Maij 1739 ob 22 Dec. 1741.

Johannes fit. Guliel et Janae. nat. 13 Mart 1727 ob 12 Feb. 1752.

Jana conjux Gulielmi ob 22 Oct. 1761 aet 66.

Jeremias Gulielmi et Gratiae fit. natu max ob 16 Dec. 1767 aet 57.


In this sacred place of worship were deposited the remains of GRACE, formerly the wife of WILLIAM RAWSON of Bradford, Gentleman, who died on the 19th December 1716. She was the second daughter and heiress of the late JEREMIAH ROSSENDALE, Gentleman.

Deep within this column are placed the ashes of WILLIAM RAWSON, Gentleman, a man of science, worthy to be remembered everywhere for a long
time, for his deeds. He died 2nd February, A.D.1737 aged 66.

JEREMIAH, son of JEREMY and FRANCES, born 19th May 1739, died 22nd December 1741.

JOHN, son of WILLIAM and JANE, born 13th March 1737, died 12th February 1752.

JANE, wife of WILLIAM, died 22nd October 1761, aged 66.

JEREMIAH, the eldest son of WILLIAM and GRACE, died 16th December 1767, aged 57.
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