Area M: South AmbulatoryOn the top of the tomb is written:

Caroline the daughter of Thomas and Jane Mason, died on the 6th day of January 1810, aged eleven months and lies buried in this Chapel. The said Jane was the second daughter of George Barber, late of this town gentleman deceased, she died at Bath on the 5th day of April 1825 in the 67th year of her age, and their mortal remains are deposited in the church of Newton Saint Loe near that city.

Side of tomb and visible in the photograph:

Sacred to the memory of Margaret, the second wife of THOMAS MASON Esqr. of Bowling Hall in this parish, and of Capt Hewick in the Parish of, Ripon: She was the second daughter of William Paterson Esqr. late of Brae Head, in Ayrshire, North Britain. Deceased. She departed this life on the 12th day of January 1829, in the 42nd. year of her age. And in this chapel are deposited her mortal remains.
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