Area T: Shop & Over toiletsHanc juxta columnam Positi sunt cineres

Mariæ Kennet Benjini: Kennet hujus Ecclesiæ Vicarij nuper Uxoris, Fæminae electifsimæ, Quippe quæ fuit Ore et Corpore pulcherrima, Ingenio prudens, Moribus suavis, Munditiis simplex, in domesticis Artibus industria et peracuta.

Fuit etiam (quod, juxta Santi Pauli mentem, Clericorum Uxores præ cæteris decet) Verecunda, non Calumniæ, non Levitati Dedita, Deo, Marito, Liberifque fida In Omnibus ufque ad Mortem, Quam graves EiVariolæ attulerunt XIIIo. die Ianuarij

{ Anno Salutis MDCCXXV. { Suae ætatis XXIX.


Near this column are placed the ashes of Mary Kennet, formerly the wife of Benjamin Kennet,
Vicar of this Church. Moreover she was most beautiful in speech and body, wise in character,
gentle in habits, simple in worldly affairs and home life, very skilled in the arts of housewifely

She was also (as befits the wives of the clergy before all the rest of people near to the
mind of St Paul) modest and not given to deceit or fickleness, loyal to God, husband and
children, in all things right up to her death which many serious illnesses brought upon her on
13th January in the year of her deliverance 1725, aged 29.
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