Area V: Tower & West end of NaveIn this vault at the foot of this pillar rest the remains, of Nancy the wife of James Stead of Bradford, she died Jany 13th 1806, aged 43 years.

Also Frances their daughter, and wife of Robert Mawson, she died March 17th 1817 aged 27 years.

And also the above said Robert Mawson he died June 2nd 1824 aged 42 years. Likewise of Frances daughter, of the above Robert and Frances Mawson, she died Sept 7th 1824 in the 8th year of her age.

Also in memory of the above James Stead who departed this life on the 10th day of December 1825 in the 63rd year of his age.

Also Elizabeth, daughter of John and Phoebe Stead, she died March 14th 1828 in the 7th year of her age and of James son of the aforesaid Robert and Frances Mawson, he died June 19th 1829 aged 19 years.

Also Thomas Ogden eldest son of Joshua and Mary Stead of Bradford, aforesaid and grandson of the above named James Stead, who died the 1st day of March 1835 in the 18th year of his age.

Also Phoebe Stead, daughter of the above John and Phoebe Stead, she died March 5th 1844 in the 15th year of her age.

Also of Samuel youngest son of the above named Joshua and Mary Stead, who departed this life on 11th day of May 1846, in the 15th year of his age.
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