The service and recital will be part of a series of events happening on Sunday 9th July for Director of Music Alexander Berry.

Ahead of his departure at the end of August, a series of services and events will be held on Sunday 9th July at Bradford Cathedral to mark a farewell to Director of Music Alexander Berry.

At 3:30pm there will be a service of Choral Evensong – the final of the choir year – followed by a Prosecco reception at 4:15pm.

At 4:45pm, Alex will play a short organ recital, which also marks the beginning of the organ being out of use until October, to allow remedial works to take place. You will be able to follow the progress of this work on the cathedral’s social media and website.

This will be followed in turn by a presentation of thanks to Alex Berry.

Alex leaves Bradford Cathedral on the 31st August, after six-and-a-half years as Organist and Director of Music. He will be taking up a new post as Director of Music at Great St Mary’s, The University Church, Cambridge.

Alexander Berry says:
“It has been an honour to serve as Director of Music at Bradford Cathedral. When I was appointed at the age of 27, I was the youngest cathedral organist in the UK. It has been the most extraordinary formative experience, and I am so grateful to the clergy, choir and congregation for their generosity during my time here. I shall miss you all greatly.”

The 9th July marks the final day of the choir year, and will also be marked by a short awards’ ceremony earlier in the day to celebrate the achievements of the choir members.

The Very Revd Andy Bowerman, Dean of Bradford, says:
“Alex has led the music team through a period of significant change and growth over the past 7 years. His passion for the English choral tradition and his desire for everyone to have the chance to experience this, means that he leaves a thriving intercultural choir with girls and boys from across the city of Bradford.

“He will be a tremendous gift to the people of St Mary the Great and Cambridge. While we will miss him, we wish him God’s speed and blessing as he goes.”

If you would like to attend the afternoon, you can sign up at or via the Bradford Cathedral website. The deadline for sign-ups is Wednesday 5th July. You can also read more about Alex’s recital – and about his time in Bradford – in our latest ‘Notes from an Organist’ interview at

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