The Headlands Chorale will be singing at our 10:30am Choral Eucharist and 3:30pm Choral Evensong on Sunday 30th July 2023. We spoke to Kathryn Haworth from the choir to find out more about them.

Could you introduce the choir and tell us a little bit about its history?
It is a totally adhoc choir. We do not meet on a regular basis, just gathering to rehearse on the day immediately before a service. I have a list of local singers who sing when they are available so the choir is never exactly the same group.

For weekends away again the singers vary: on this occasion the singers are some locals (to me here in Northants) but mostly friends or friends of friends (some of whom I have not yet met) from choirs I have sung in in the past.

As well as the few from Northants they are coming from far afield Sussex, Surrey, Derbyshire, Peterborough, Warrington, North Yorkshire and Cumbria This tends to be the nature of many cathedral visiting choirs.

The choir name simply comes from the name of our house, “Headlands” in Irthlingborough.

You have various connections with the Cathedral – could you tell us a little about those?

My connection with Bradford is that I decided to join my sister at the Cathedral at a service in 1975. We had both been members of the Methodist Church but we particularly liked the weekly Eucharist and became regular attenders and were confirmed. In 1976 the then organist Keith Rhodes wanted to form a second choir with boys and volunteer adult singers including a few sopranos and contraltos which was my introduction to Anglican church music and choral services. In the summer of 1976 my husband Stan came as curate and we were married in the cathedral in April 1977.

Headlands Choral 2023 Halifax Minster poster
Headlands Choral 2023 Halifax Minster poster

You’re also singing the day before at Halifax Minster. Are you looking forward to singing there?
We are looking forward to singing in Halifax Minster, brought about by the fact we are unable to sing in the Cathedral that day and also give our organist a chance to play on an organ as Bradford’s is currently out of action.

The choir is leading the music at Bradford Cathedral on Sunday 30th July. Could you tell us a little about what people can expect?

The repertoire for Sunday has been dictated by the fact there is no organ. The Mass is by William Lloyd-Webber (father of Julian and Andrew) chosen as it will work with the piano. Evensong is an unaccompanied Mag and Nunc by John Blow with sections for the two sides of the choir and the double choir anthem Hail Gladdening Light.

Finally, what message would you give to the congregation about joining you for those services?

We very much enjoyed our visit to Bradford last time. It is a great place to sing  rather more cosy than the traditional spacious buildings, and we were made extremely welcome by the Dean and Verger.

We look forward to welcome the Headlands Chorale to Bradford Cathedral on Sunday 30th July, for the 10:30am Choral Eucharist (which will also be streamed live) and the 3:30pm Choral Evensong.

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