
M.S. Abrahami Balme hujusce oppidi nuper incolæ. Qui patrlæ et oppidanis suis quantum in se fuit prode e. Per annos fere sexaginta, pro viriet laborauit, publici cujusque operis auctor assiduus aut curator prudens.
In negoths obeundis, nemo peritior aut exercitatior, nec in amicitle muneribus tum facto tum consilio promptior; vita longa et perutili feliciter clausa Feb. Die iv. Anno salutis mdccxcvi ætatis xc. Jussu suo extra muros ecclesle corpore posito lætam per christum sperans immortalitatem. Requiescit.

Hano tabulam pietatis ergo poni curavit filius mœrens E. Balme A.M. R.S. ET A.S. Soc.


Sacred to the memory of ABRAHAM BALME lately an inhabitant of this town, who laboured, to the utmost of his ability, for almost sixty years, to benefit, so far as lay in his power, his country and fellow townsmen, as a diligent originator or prudent administrator of each public work. In the discharge of business matters no one was more ready in deed as well as in counsel. Having happily brought to a close a long and very useful life on the fourth day of Feb. in the year of salvation 1796, and in the 90th year of his age, his body having been laid by his command outside the walls of the chancel awaiting a joyful immortality through Christ, he rests.

This Tablet of affection therefore his sorrowing son E.BALME, M.A. F.R.S., F.A.S., has caused to be here placed.
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