It is not possible to access the bells without specialist equipment and so the following inscriptions have been taken from an earlier recording by The
National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts, made in 1982. They included additional information about cost, weight of bells etc., not reproduced
The Cathedral has a total of 14 bells, a peal of 12 housed in the tower. Also in the tower is a small sanctus bell no longer in use. The 14th bell is
situated at the east end of the Cathedral, between the Lady Chapel and the sanctuary.
The tower peal of 12: of these 10 were dedicated by Bishop PEROWNE, (first Bishop of Bradford) on 1st October 1921.[See poster below] The two
other bells were added in 1975 and dedicated by Canon (now Archdeacon [1982]) SARGEANT, on the 22nd Sept. 1975. The first of these two bells
(the Treble) bears the inscription, “These two trebles were cast at the expense of the Cathedral Ringers and Friends”. There is no inscription on the
other, but each has the Founder’s name – TAYLOR, Loughborough, 1973. The weight of these bells is unknown.
“For unto you is Paradise opened. A city builded and rest allowed”. Book of Esdras.
From his desolate wife, in memory of her beloved husband. Sir J. ARTHUR GODWIN, Kt., First Lord Mayor of Bradford. Died April 29th 1921.
Aged 68.
“Praise to the Holiest in the Height”.
In reverent thanksgiving to our immortal dead, from members of the Cathedral Choir. HENRY COATES, Organist & Choirmaster.
“His servants serve Him day and night in His Temple” •
In memory of EDWARD BILLSON, died 17th April 1919. Presented by his devoted widow SARAH BILLSON.
“Lovest Thou Me, Feed my Lambs”.
The offering of teachers and scholars of The Cathedral Sunday Schools in gratitude for the heritage of freedom won by our splendid men.
“Laborers together with God” 1 Cor. 111, 9
This bell was given by the Sidesmen of the Cathedral, in thanksgiving for the blessings of Victory and Peace.
“He asked life of Thee and Thou gavest him a long life; even for ever and ever.” Ps.XXI 4.
In memory of EDWARD ALEXANDER SHEPHERD Captain in 4th – 5th Battalion of the Black Watch. Killed Sept. 3rd 1916 at Beaumont Hamel.
Aged 41. Presented by ELIZABETH MITCHELL. ‘

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends”. St.John XV, 13
To place on record our love and gratitude to the men of this Church and Parish
who paid the supreme sacrifice in the War 1914-1918. Given by the Mothers of
“Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain. “ Psalm cxxvii, 1
To commemorate the men of the City of Bradford who gave their lives for King
and Country in the Great War 1914-1918. ANTHONY GADIE, Lord Mayor
On the opposite side of the bell, “King George V”
Te Deum Laudamus. In memory of the men of the Diocese of Bradford who
laid down their lives in the war 1914-1918, ARTHUR WILLIAM THOMSON
PEROWNE, DD, First Bishop of Bradford.
To the Glory of God, Bradford Cathedral 1921. This peal of Ten Bells was recast in memory
of the men who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918

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