Memorial V7: Francis Duffield

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveSacred to the memory of Francis Duffield, of Town Hill House, Esq. who departed this life July 20th 1841, in the 60th year of his age.

Memorial V6: Ann Paley

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveSacred to the memory of Ann, the wife of John Green Paley ESQ. of Bowling, in this parish, and of Langcliffe in the parish of Giggleswick, and daughter of the late George Barber ESQ. She departed this life May...

Memorial V5: John Midgley

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn hujus Ecclefiæ navi pofitæ sunt reliquiæ Iohannis Midgley Nuper de Scolemore Generofi, Viri Moribus et Vitâ integerrimi. Quiqß Juris et Legum Peritiam, (Qua haud mediocriter Pollebat). In humanis præcipue...

Memorial V4: Nancy Stead

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn this vault at the foot of this pillar rest the remains, of Nancy the wife of James Stead of Bradford, she died Jany 13th 1806, aged 43 years.Also Frances their daughter, and wife of Robert Mawson, she died...

Memorial V3: Alfred Emsley

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveThe tenor bell in the tower was given by John and Emily Emsley. In proud and lovingMemory of their dear and only son Captain John Alfred Emsley Adjutant 2 – 6th West Yorks Regt. mentioned in dispatches who died...

Memorial V2: Mary Jarratt

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn Memory of Mary the wife of John Jarratt Gentn. who died the 24th. of Septr. 1800. aged 62.Also of Catharine, Elizabeth & Sarah their children, who all died in their infancy.Also of William Stanley Jarratt...
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