Keystage 3, 4 & Post 16

Our learning programme addresses cross-curricular themes and dimensions and a variety of curriculum areas e.g. RE, art, English, Citizenship, SMSC and history. It allows young people opportunities to consider what it means to be ‘Proud to be from Bradford’ and to focus on heritage, identity and belonging and the stories that the Cathedral has to tell about Bradford and its people.
The RE content of our learning programme addresses Believing and Belonging in West Yorkshire 2024 , and the Leeds Diocesen RE Syllabus for voluntary aided schools.Our provision also addresses key elements of the GCSE RE programmes of study. All learning sessions and trails are experiential and include opportunities for students to reflect and to respond creatively to being in a unique sacred space. The experience provides opportunities for students to contemplate difficult questions about Christianity, other world religions and alternative world views.
Areas that could be covered include:
- Christian Belief and Practice
- Signs and Symbols
- The Growth of Christianity in the North of England
- Remarkable Women
- World War I and Remembrance
Reflection and Responding Creatively
The Cathedral Education Team are happy to facilitate teacher led opportunities for quiet, reflective time to enable the experience of awe, wonder and mystery in this special and unique Christian place of worship. Likewise it is possible to arrange appropriate teacher led sessions, that encourage participants to respond in a range of creative ways to the Cathedral experience.
Bespoke Sessions
If possible we encourage schools to choose from the learning sessions and workshops outlined above. However should group leaders have particular content that they would like the Education Team to cover, please make this clear at the time of booking and whenever possible we will endeavour to meet your needs.
Post 16 and Lifelong Learning
The Cathedral regulary hosts groups of visitors from sixth forms, colleges and universities, including those who are on under graduate and post graduate initial teacher education courses. We also offer trails, talks and workshops for community groups and welcome people from all backgrounds and of all ages.
Sixth Form Conferences
The Cathedral Education Team aspires to host an annual sixth form conference with a focus on current issues of faith in a diverse and ever changing society.
How To Book
Visit Charges
As Bradford Cathedral is dependent on charitable grants and voluntary donations for its funding, we are unfortunately now in a position where we have to charge for educational visits in order to continue to provide high quality learning outside the classroom.
Charge per pupil for a morning or afternoon visit £3.00
Accompanying adults are FREE
Schools are welcome to have lunch at the Cathedral, at no extra cost (see booking form).
An invoice will be sent to your organisation after your visit. If you would prefer, you can pay by cheque or by cash on the day. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Bradford Cathedral’.
If it is absolutely impossible for you to pay the full amount, please contact us about whether we can provide some financial assistance in order for your visit to go ahead- as we aim to be accessible to all.
- After reading the information on the website regarding school visits, decide what you would like to cover. If you have specific learning objectives or content, different to those suggested, that you would like us to address, please contact the Education Team. We are happy whenever possible to adapt content and objectives to suit specific needs.
- Email or telephone 01274 777720 to arrange a suitable date and discuss the planning of your visit. Please do not book transport until a date is agreed and confirmed.
- When the date has been agreed you will be sent a booking form. Please complete the form and return to confirm your visit by email if possible email
- You will be sent of a copy of our Risk Assessment to support you in your preparation for the visit. You are most welcome to arrange a pre-visit meeting if you wish, to see the building in advance of and speak to a member of the Education Team.
- Contact the Education Team at any time if you have any queries about the visit, or if any of the school circumstances change.
Contact Details:
The Education Team
Maggie Myers and Diane Hadwen
Bradford Cathedral
Stott Hill
Bradford, BD1 4EH
Tel 01274 777720