Here are our latest news stories. Use the links below to see older stories.
Bradford Cathedral to mark Holy Week and Easter with services, a Come and Sing event, the return of Messy Easter, and opportunities to ask the big questions about what it all means
The week of services and events begins on Sunday 24th March 2024
Educational resources available for Holy Week and Easter
You can view and download some educational resources for Holy Week and Easter. These materials are meant for teachers and others who are introducing the festival of Easter to children and young people.
Bradford Cathedral Family Activities return for the 2024 Easter Holiday
There are lots of things to see, do and discover for children of all ages, at the free Bradford Cathedral Family Activities, on Tuesday 2nd April.
Notes from an Organist: Ashley Wagner (Birmingham)
In this edition of ‘Notes from an Organist’ we discover more about them, and what to expect from their recital, including how a choir trip started his professional choir; how student drinking songs have inspired the programme; and taking part in last year’s Longwood Gardens International Organ Competition.
Bradford Cathedral to be hugged at Mothering Sunday service
‘Clypping the church’ will take place at this year’s Mothering Sunday service at Bradford Cathedral, where the community choir ‘Grace Notes’ will also be singing
Interview: Duncan Milwain to tackle food waste at March’s Monday Fellowship
On Monday 11th March 2024, the Monday Fellowship is presented by Duncan Milwain, on the topic of ‘Why do we throw a third away? Why food waste remains an issue and why it should concern us’. We spoke to Duncan to find out more about what to expect from it.
Updated educational resources for International Women’s Day 2024
You can download the updated resources from our website today
Bradford Cathedral to hold annual Fairtrade Breakfast to support Transform Trade
The Fairtrade Breakfast will take place at 8:45am on Sunday 10th March 2024
Notes from an Organist: Hilary Punnett (London)
In this edition of ‘Notes from an Organist’ we discover more about them, and what to expect from their recital, including marking Woman Composer Sunday / International Women’s Day with the music; how the UK differs from Canada musically; and their MA in Choral Conducting.
Bradford Cathedral to hold special tour to mark William Morris’ 190th birthday
You can celebrate William Morris’ anniversary by joining Bradford Cathedral for a special window tour on the day before his 190th birthday.