Season of Remembrance

Season of Remembrance at Bradford Cathedral

We will be marking this season of remembrance with a series of services and events.

The Festival of Remembrance

Festival of Remembrance 2022

The 77th Bradford Festival of Remembrance took place in the presence of the Lord Mayor and other Civic dignitaries, and supported by the City of Bradford Brass Band and the Bradford Cathedral Choir. The Festival began with community singing and a short concert, ahead of the Service of Remembrance.

You can listen back to highlights at 1pm on Remembrance Sunday 2023 on Premier Christian Radio.

Remembrance Service
Friday 10th November | 10:30am | Undercliffe Cemetery

The service will be led by the Dean of Bradford, the Very Reverend Andy Bowerman and will be attended by the Lord Mayor of Bradford, Cllr Gerry Barker and a Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire.

Short Service to mark Armistice Day
Saturday 11th November | 11am | City Park
Saturday 11th November | 11am | Bradford Cathedral

Armistice Day 2022

A short service will be held in City Park to mark Armistice Day.

There will also be a minute’s silence held in the Cathedral at 11am.


Remembrance Sunday Service
Sunday 12th November | 10:30am | Bradford Cathedral

The Last Post at Bradford Cathedral

All are welcome to the Sunday Eucharist, our focal act of worship for the Cathedral. In this service, we gather together in praise and prayer, we listen to the scriptures, and we share bread and wine together as Jesus commanded his disciples to do.

The liturgy follows the pattern of Common Worship with elements of the service sung by the Cathedral Choir. The service is also live-streamed via the cathedral’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Remembrance Service and Parade
Sunday 12th November | 11am | City Park

Remembrance Parade 2022

A short parade and service will be held in City Park.


There But Not There

As you look around the Cathedral, you will see some silhouettes to commemorate those who served and died in World War I. These transparent figures help us remember those who went from Bradford and District – all the lives given and taken away in conflict and the families and communities who suffered here at home.

There are also two life-size outline First World War soldiers, in fields of poppies.

Please pause by the silhouettes, reflect, pray, give thanks and commit to peace-making action to ensure that the 1,118,264 British and Commonwealth service personnel who died would not have died in vain. You may light a candle as you pray.

Educational Resources

You can view and download educational resources from our ‘seasonal resources’ page.

Soldier in the Cathedral

Create your own 3D Poppy Picture to help mark this year’s Remembrance Day. We’d love to see your completed poppy pictures! E-mail them to or share them with us on social media!

You can also read the poem ”Bradford Pals’, written by our Poet in Residence for our Centenary year Diane Pacitti, which is displayed by our World War I window.

Visit Us:

Opening times

Monday-Saturday 10am – 4pm

please see our what’s on calendar for any changes or see our Christmas holiday opening times below.

What to See?

Bradford Cathedral has been a site of Christian worship since the 7th century. Explore over 1000 years of history in the heart of Bradford. We also have a wealth of Morris & Co. stained glass, 18th Century monuments and a range of contemporary and historic textiles.

Things to see in the Cathedral

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