Location Description
Area A: Kitchen areaTo the memory of Pte. Eric Anderson, V.C. of the East Yorkshire Regiment who for his dauntless courage in rescuing three wounded comrades at Wadi Akarit 6. April 1943 whilst under enemy fire was awarded The Victoria Cross.

London Gazette 23 July 1943 No. 4347754 Private Eric Anderson, The East Yorkshire Regiment (The Duke of
York’s Own) (Bradford).

On the 6th April, 1943, a Battalion of the East Yorkshire Regiment was making a dawn attack on a strong enemy locality on the Wadi Akarit with ” A” Company leading. After some progress had been made and ” A ” Company was advancing over an exposed forward slope, it suddenly came under most intense and accurate machine gun and mortar fire from well concealed enemy strong points not more than 200 yards away. Further advance in that direction was impossible and ” A ” Company was able to withdraw behind the crest of a hill, with the exception of a few men who were wounded and pinned to the ground by strong and well directed small arms fire.

Private ANDERSON, a stretcher bearer attached to ” A ” Company, seeing these men lying wounded in “no man’s land “, quite regardless of his
personal safety, went forward alone through intense fire and single handed carried back a wounded soldier to a place of safety where medical
attention could be given. Knowing that more men were lying wounded in the open he again went out to the bullet swept slope, located a second
wounded man and carried him to safety.

Private ANDERSON went forward once again and safely evacuated a third casualty. Without any hesitation or consideration for himself he went
out for a fourth time but by now he was the only target the enemy had to shoot at and when he reached the fourth wounded man, and was
administering such first aid as he could to prepare for the return journey, he was himself hit and mortally wounded.

Private ANDERSON, by his valour, complete disregard for his personal safety, and courage under fire, probably saved the lives of three of his
comrades and his example was an inspiration to all who witnessed his gallant acts.
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