Area B: North AisleH.S.E. Qvod mortale fuit Abrahami Sharp stirpe antiqua prognati Et Archiepiscopo eius nominis eboracensi Sanguinis vinculo coniuncti Qui inter peritissimos

Sui temporis. Mathematicos merito nueratus Cum viris eadem laude celeberrimis FLAMSTEEDIO praesertim et. Illustriss NEWTONO Perpetuam coluit amicitiam Quorum prioris historiam caelestem In tabulis accuratissime delineavit

Varia item scripta et instrumenta a se confecta Suppresso tamen nomine in lucem emisit Cum vitam autem hisce studiis

Placidam et utilem coelebs peregerat In deum pietate in pauperes benignitate In omnes benevolentia insignis anno demum aetatis nonagesimo primo Rerum humianarum satur in caelum demigravit

Xv kalend. Augvst. Mdccxlii

FRANCESCA SAWREY proneptis test amentique curatrix Hoc monumentum honoris causa sumptu suo posuit

Here is buried what was mortal of Abraham Sharp. He was born of an ancient family and linked by blood ties to the Archbishop of York of that name. He was rightly counted among the most accomplished mathematicians of his day. He enjoyed constant friendship with the very famous men of the same repute, notably FLAMSTEED, and the illustrious NEWTON. He drew up the description of the heavens made by the former of these (FLAMSTEED) in (astronomical) tables of the greatest accuracy; he also published anonymously various writings and descriptions of instruments perfected by himself. But when he had spent a quiet and useful unmarried life in these studies, remarkable for his reverence towards God, his kindness to the poor and his goodwill towards everybody, at last, in the ninety-first year of his life, replete with earthly knowledge, he passed to Heaven. July 18th 1742.
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