Area M: South AmbulatoryHic Iacet & in Domino Placide obdormiscit Thomas Wood AM Scholæ Bradfordiensis nonila. Pridem Archidida sculus Vir pietate, Modestia – prudition insign. Desiit Anno Domino 1712 17 die Aprilis & Ætatis sua 66. In re & spe rediuiuus non hunc stere decet quem Paradisus habet.


Here lies and peacefully fell asleep in the Lord Thomas Wood A.M Headmaster of Bradford School. Not for a long time has a headmaster of a school, died as this man, distinguished for his piety, modesty and learning. He died in the year of our Lord 1712 on the 17th day of April aged 66. In the hope of the resurrection do not grieve for this man who is in Paradise.
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