Area M: South AmbulatoryMollitèr preme Reliquias THOMÆ CLAPHAM, A.M. (Ex antiqua Stirpe Claphamorum de Bethmesley oriundi) Pastoris, et Ludi literarij Bradfordiensis Præfecti; Cujus eruditio politior, Consuetudo, Humanitas, Et eximium Corporis Decus Omnium Obſervantiam vendicabant. In Obeundis Sacris Fervor Illi erat cælestis, In dicendo Facultas, et Sermonis Elegantia, Vox liquida, suavis, et canora. A diſceptandi Pruritu et Theologica bile abhorrebat;
Paraphrasi graphica et brevi Thema illustravit; Ingenio verè Christiano exhortabatur, redarguebat, Et oppugnatæ Hierarchiæ Vindex adfuit, et Munimen, Diſcipuli Magistrum charum habuêre; Magister Diſcipulos, Ac prout cuique erat Indoles, peritiſsimè tractavit. Peotarum atque Oratorum Ænigmata suis Scholijs Lucidè explicuit, et lepidè; Omnes quocirca lætè abſolvebant. Pensa, Et (quod insolenter videmus) multi ultrò Tentamina sua subinda obtulêre, Quibus, Magistrout placerent, fuit et Lusus et Studium, Cum 15 Annos invigilâſset Eccleſiæ, 20 Scholæ, Utriusque lugubre Deſiderium ceſsit Ætat XLIX. ANNA, Filia DAVIDIS PARKINSON liberalis, Hujus Vidua, binis præmaturè Liberis orbata Marito dilectiſsimo hoc Mrnuó6vror posuit Anno Christianæ Salutis CIƆDCCXIX.

Translation of memorial:

Tread gently on the remains of THOMAS CLAPHAM M.A., a descendant of the ancient stock of the Claphams of Bethmesley, (Beamsley), a Priest and Headmaster of Bradford Grammar School, whose refined learning, use of language, cultivation and outstanding bearing claimed the attention of everyone.

He possessed a heavenly inspiration in carrying out his religious duties, a gift for speaking, good taste in his conversation, and a flowing,
agreeable and resonant voice. He eschewed desire for disputation and theological tetchiness. He illustrated his subject with a short masterly
paraphrase. Indeed, his Christian personality served both to stimulate and refute (ideas). He was a champion and protector of the priesthood when it was under attack. His pupils held their master in affection, as he did them. He treated each one very skillfully, according to his natural ability. With
his scholarly comments he explained clearly and pleasurably the obscure parts of poets and orators.

Because of this they all completed their daily work gladly, and besides this many boys offered him their essays straight away (a thing we do not often see) to them it was a study and a delight to please their master. When he had watched over the Church for fifteen years, and the School twenty years, he passed away (a sad loss to both) in his forty-ninth year. His widow Anna, the generous daughter of David Parkinson, bereaved before her time with two children, set up this ‘monumentum’ for her most beloved husband, in the year of Christian salvation 1719.

Brass roundel:
(This is now well worn, see below, and it is difficult to read with certainty. The transcription of it was made
when it was easier to read.)

At the base of this column are placed the ashes of JANE CLAPHAM, beautiful in features, of good disposition and of easy character, the little girl of Thomas Clapham, M.A. Vicar of Bradford, Lecturer of the Church and Master of the Public School. Little daughter of his wife Anna. Nola October 6th in the 1705. Renata died November 15th year the same Denata March 22nd 1708. Born in Autumn, she the first passed away in truth
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