Memorial M18: City of Bradford Police

LocationDescriptionArea M: South AmbulatoryTo commemorate the service to Bradford by the members of the Bradford Borough Police and the City of Bradford Police 1848 – 1974

Memorial M17: William Bolling

LocationDescriptionArea M: South AmbulatoryNear this place lye the remains of William Bolling of Manningham, Gent who dyed the 29 July 1730, aged 77 and of John Bolling of Chellow who dyed the 15 July 1729 aged 27 to whose memory this small monumt was sett up by Mary...

Memorial M16: Thomas Clapham

LocationDescriptionArea M: South AmbulatoryMollitèr preme Reliquias THOMÆ CLAPHAM, A.M. (Ex antiqua Stirpe Claphamorum de Bethmesley oriundi) Pastoris, et Ludi literarij Bradfordiensis Præfecti; Cujus eruditio politior, Consuetudo, Humanitas, Et eximium Corporis Decus...
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