Memorial B12: Siege of Bradford

LocationDescriptionMemorial B12: Siege of BradfordTo commemorate the defence of this Church during the two sieges of Bradford in 1642 and 1643 when its tower was hung with woolpacks to protect it against the cannon fire of the besieging Royalist Army.This tablet was...

Memorial B11: Abraham Sharp

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleH.S.E. Qvod mortale fuit Abrahami Sharp stirpe antiqua prognati Et Archiepiscopo eius nominis eboracensi Sanguinis vinculo coniuncti Qui inter peritissimosSui temporis. Mathematicos merito nueratus Cum viris eadem laude...

Memorial B10: Anne Wood

LocationDescriptionIn a vault near the altar, are deposited the remains of Anne, the wife of Mr John Wood, and third daughter ofEdward Temple Booth Esqr of the City of Norwich, who departed this life at Horton Hall on the 16th day of April, 1828, aged 30 years.

Memorial B8: Suzanna Richardson

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleM:S Svsannæ Richardson matrvm optimæ mvliervm prvdentissimæqvæ vixit annos LXXII conivgem deflevit XLI decessit pridie non: Oct. A:C MDCCVIIIRicardvs filivs Pos.Translation:Sacred to the memory of Susanna Richardson the most...

Memorial B7: David Poole

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleNear this place lyeth the body of Mr David Poole, apothecary born at Barrstone Ash December 11th. 1681. Died at Bradford~~r 29,1712, who married Dorothy daughter of Mr. Henry Hoppey of Bradford, by whom he had two children...

Memorial B6: Faith Sharp

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleNear this place is interred the body of M Faith Sharp who dyed 2nd June 1710 aged 59.She was relict of Thomas Sharp late of Little Horton M:A: who dying at Leeds ye 27th of August 1693, was buryed there in ye Chancel of ye New...
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