Memorial B5: Hannah Lambert

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleIn affectionate and grateful memory of Hannah Lambert born November 23rd 1830, died April 19th 1911; who during a long life devoted her many talents to the direct furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ; especially amongst the young;...

Memorial B4: Faith Sawrey

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleNear this place lies Interr’d the body of Faith Sawrey widow of RIchD Gilpin Sawrey esqr of Horton many years in the Commission of the peacefor this County. Who departed this Life Novemr. the 30th. 1767 aged 63 years.Hannah Glipin...

Memorial B3: Joseph Priestley

LocationDescriptionArea B: North Aisle This marble is inscribed by the company of proprietors of the canal navigation from Leeds to Liverpoolto the memory of Joseph Priestley, Esqr. As a mark of regard for his able, zealous, and assiduous attentionto the interests of...

Memorial B2: Richard Wood

LocationDescriptionArea B: North AisleDeposited in the vault beneath Trinity Church Islington London, are the remains of Richard youngest son of the late Mr John Wood of the Talbot Inn of this Town, who departed this life March the 23d. 1842, aged 33 years.Also in the...

North Porch Memorial: The Rev. William Scoresby

LocationDescriptionArea B: North PorchThe Rev. William Scoresby D.D. 1789 – 1857Yorkshireman; Arctic explorer; Scientist; Author “The Arctic Regions”. Vicar of Bradford 1839 – 1847. Founded first Church Day Schools in Bradford. Benefactor and Champion of the Poor....
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