Memorial 12: James Joseph Magennis

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaBradford salutes the memory of Leading Seaman James Joseph Magennis who for his singular bravery in action by midget submarine X E.3. against the cruiser Takao in the Jahore Straits, July 31. 1945. Was awarded The Victoria...

Memorial A11: John Lister

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaIn memory of John Lister, Gent. of Mannigham, who died in December 1734. aged 84.And of Phebe. his wife, who died January 1745 aged 77.And of John Lister, Gent. son of the above John and Phebe, who died in August 1767. aged...

Memorial A10: Bradford Pals

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaIn Honour of The Bradford Pals (16th and 18th battalions West Yorkshire Regiment)1914 – 1918Who fought for our freedom and many of whom died on the Flanders Fields. We give thanks to God for every remembrance of them1 July...

Memorial A9: Pte Eric Anderson, Victoria Cross

Location DescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaTo the memory of Pte. Eric Anderson, V.C. of the East Yorkshire Regiment who for his dauntless courage in rescuing three wounded comrades at Wadi Akarit 6. April 1943 whilst under enemy fire was awarded The Victoria Cross.London...

Memorial A8: Samuel Lister

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaNear this place lie interred the remains of Samuel Lister of Manningham Esqr. He died the 28th day of May A.D. 1792, aged 63 Years.Mary his widow, in perpetual testimony, of her conjugal duty and affection, caused this monument...

Memorial A7: Samuel Stansfield

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaNear this piller [sic] lies interred the Body of M Samuel Stansfield of Bradford who died ye 1st of Sepbr, 1727; in ye, 79th year of his age.Also nine of his grand children (viz) six sons and three daughters who all died in their...
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