Memorial A6: Guliemi Rawson

LocationDescriptionArea A: Kitchen areaIn Sacrario hujus Ecctiæ depositce fuerunt Reliquice Graciæ nuper uxoris GUL. Rawson de Braford, Gen; quæ obijt 19 dio Decembris 1716.Fuit altera Filia & Hæres Jeremiæ Rossendale Generosi defunct.Infrahane couimnam hositi...

Memorial A5: Jim Patrick

LocationDescriptionIn the kitchen right of the stained glass window Jim Patrick 49 yearsCathedralCaretaker1955 – 1958

Memorial A4: Charles Booth

LocationDescription[Hidden above kitchen ceiling]To the memory of Charles Booth and of Sarah his Wife. Who died the 4th Jany 1811, aged 74 years. Also of Mrs. Beatrix Rushton, who died the 21st Novr 1814, aged 82 years.Both sisters of the late C.S.B. Sharp of Little...

Memorial A3: Richard Hodgson

LocationDescription[Hidden above kitchen ceiling]In memory of Richard Hodgson of Whetley Esquire who departed this life on the 1st day ofApril 1826, aged 64 years.Also of Mary, sister of the above named Richard Hodgson, and wife of Francis Simes of Bradford,...

Memorial A2: James Joseph Rich and his wife and children

LocationDetailsHidden above kitchen ceilingSacred to the memory of James Rich of Bradford who died March the 31st 1811 aged 61 years.And of Margaret Rich his relict who departed this life October 17th 1832 aged 74 years.Also of five of their children who died in their...

Memorial A1: Sarah Jowett

LocationTextHidden above kitchen ceilingIn memory of Sarah Jowett. Only daughter of Nathan Jowett Esq of Clockhouse. She was born February 13. 1803. and closed a life adorned by every virtue March 20. 1840. Memorial: Sarah Jowett
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