Memorial V13: Mary & John Field

LocationDescriptionMemorial V13: Mary & John FieldSacred to the memory of Mrs Mary Field, late wife of John Field of Heaton in this Parish Gent: who departed life, the fifth day of February .17.50:1 in the Forty first year of her age.And also of six of their...

Memorial V12: Mary Lister & Samuel Lister

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveM. S.Mariæ Lister Samuelis Lister nuper de Maningham in hac parochiâ arm, viduæ, et Francisci et Dorothæ. Stapleton nuper de parva Horton in hac parochiâ Fillæ: QuæObit 21: die Aprilis A:D: 1809Æt: suæ 72.Cui...

Memorial V11: Mary Hodgson & John Hodgson

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn memory of Mary the wife of John Hodgson of Bierley, Gent. She died 19th December 1776 aged 43 years. Also of Mary daughter of the said John Hodgson. She died the 9th of April 1780 aged 16 years.And William...

Memorial V10: Barwick Memorial

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn memory of Hannah the daughter of William & Alice Barwick of Bradford; who died Octr: 9th, 1788 in the 1st, year of her age.Also Betty daughter of the above who died Novr: 17th, 1796 in the 11th, year of her...

Memorial V9: Harriott Henrietta Jones

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveNear this place be the remains of Harriot Henrietta Jones the daughter of Thomas Jones of this town Surgeon, who died April 14th. 1791 aged 6 Yrs.Also James Jones brother to the above who died June 12th. 1795,...

Memorial V8: John Stockdale

LocationDescriptionArea V: Tower & West end of NaveIn memory of Mr John Stockdale late of Bradford. Whose body was interred near this Pillar the 8th of June 1724: Mrs Mary Stockdale his widow erected this monument.
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