Holy Week and Easter at Bradford Cathedral
The story of Jesus’ journey through Holy Week and Easter will be told anew at Bradford Cathedral this spring through a programme of services and events starting with services on Palm Sunday on the 13th April 2025. All are invited to join in person, with the Sunday 10:30am services also streamed online.
Further details can be found below, and all are welcome at these services. We also have our regular Sunday services at 8am, 10:30am and 3:30pm.
Please note that there won’t be Choral Evensong on the Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week.
“At this time of year Christians around the world begin to move, in Holy Week, towards remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus.
“Here at the Cathedral we will do the same, starting on Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem.
“This is the most significant week in the Christian year, a week which goes from triumph to apparent disaster and back into triumph.
“But not triumph as many would see it: the triumph of one who goes from death to life – who says to all people, at all times in history, there is always hope.
“We invite you to come and discover that here at Bradford Cathedral during Holy Week this year.”
Summary of Services
Palm Sunday (Sunday 13th April)
8am – Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am – The Liturgy of Palm Sunday (also live-streamed)
3:30pm – The Cross of Christ: A Choral Meditation for Passiontide
Wednesday 16th April
8:15am – Holy Communion (CW)
10:15am – Holy Communion (CW)
Maundy Thursday (Thursday 17th April)
7pm – The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
c. 8:45pm – The Watch (until midnight)
Good Friday (Friday 18th April)
12noon – Meditations Around the Cross
1:30pm – The Liturgy of Good Friday
Holy Saturday (Saturday 19th April)
7pm – The Easter Liturgy
Easter Day (Sunday 20th April)
8am – Holy Communion (BCP)
10:30am – Choral Eucharist (also live-streamed)
3:30pm – Choral Evensong
Daily Prayer
You can join us daily for prayer and the reading of the scriptures, Mondays to Saturdays. Morning and Evening Prayer take place online at 9am and 5:30pm (duration: up to 30 minutes). You can join us in person for Midday Prayer, which takes place in the Lady Chapel at 12noon (duration: 10 minutes).
There is no Midday Prayer on Good Friday.
Holy Week and Easter Services in detail
Worship is the heartbeat of Cathedral life and is offered daily through online Morning and Evening Prayer and the seven services each week. The main weekly service is on Sunday at 10:30 am which is also live-streamed. You can download an Order of service in advance or use the Proclaim app instead of an Order of Service.
At the start of the week, the 10:30am Liturgy of Palm Sunday will feature the annual procession of palms, music sung by the Cathedral Choir, and Holy Communion.
Sunday 13th April 2025 (Palm Sunday)
- 8am – Holy Communion (BCP)
- 10:30am – The Liturgy of Palm Sunday (also livestreamed)
- J.S. Bach Valet will ich dir geben BWV 736
Byrd Mass for five voices
Victoria Pueri hebraeorum
Ives Ride On
Franck Piece Héroique
Hymns 128, 118, 129
- J.S. Bach Valet will ich dir geben BWV 736
- 3:30pm – The Cross of Christ: A Choral Meditation for Passiontide
- Handel Surely he hath borne our griefs
And with his stripes
For we like sheep (Messiah)
Britten For I am under the same accusation (Rejoice in the Lamb)
Sanders The Reproaches
Clucas Crucifixus
Stainer God so loved the world (Crucifixion)
Hymns 100, Stay with me (Taizé), 120, 557 (t.i), 112
- Handel Surely he hath borne our griefs
Wednesday 16th April 2025
- 8:15am – Holy Communion (CW)
- 10:15am – Holy Communion (CW)
Thursday 17th April 2025
There will be the Liturgy of Maundy Thursday at 7pm, a service which will re-tell the story of Jesus’ passion for the world through a moving service in which we re-enact his washing of the disciples’ feet, remember him in the sharing of bread and wine, and then have the opportunity to keep ‘The Watch’ with him at the Altar of Repose until his arrest at midnight. The Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth, will be preaching.
Thursday 17th April 2025 (Maundy Thursday)
- 7pm – The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday / The Watch
Berry Lockdown Mass
Nardone A new commandment
Duruflé Ubi caritas
Hymns 130, 136 (t.i), AM 168, 318
Friday 18th April 2025
On Good Friday, the traditional three hours that mark the crucifixion will be kept in two services. At 12noon there will be Preaching the Cross, a creative and reflective engagement with the story of Good Friday using music, art and poetry. At 1:30pm, the Liturgy of Good Friday offers an opportunity to meditate on Jesus’ crucifixion through choral music, silence, the reading of The Passion according to St John, the Reserved Sacrament (Holy Communion), and the symbolic burying of the cross in St Aidan’s Chapel.
The Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Toby Howarth, will be preaching at the 12noon service.
Friday 18th April 2025 (Good Friday)
- 12noon – Meditations Around the Cross
Casals O vos omnes
Psalm 22
Victoria Reproaches
Lotti Crucifixus a8
Hymns 123, 127
- 1:30pm – The Liturgy of Good Friday
Saturday 19th April 2025
On Holy Saturday at 7pm the Liturgy of Easter will dramatically retell the story of the resurrection through ancient prophecy, the lighting of a fire, and the sharing of Holy Communion.
The Choral Eucharist is preceded by the Vigil and the Service of the Light, which includes Holy Baptism and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows.
The Bishop of Leeds, the Rt. Revd. Nick Baines, will preach and preside at Saturday’s Easter Vigil.
Saturday 19th April 2025 (Holy Saturday)
- 7pm – The Liturgy of Easter
- Langlais Messe solennelle (GSBA)
Revert Victimae pascali laudes
Langlais Incantation pour un jour saint
Hymns 159, 138, AM 189
- Langlais Messe solennelle (GSBA)
Sunday 20th April 2025
Finally, on Easter Day, there will be services at 8am (Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer), Choral Eucharist at 10:30am (also livestreamed), and Choral Evensong at 3:30pm.
Sunday 20th April 2025 (Easter Day)
- 8am – Holy Communion (BCP)
- 10:30am – Easter Day Choral Eucharist (also livestreamed)
Howells Saraband for the Morning of Easter
Vierne Messe solennelle
Handel Hallelujah (Messiah)
Ledger This joyful Eastertide
Widor Toccata from Organ Symphony 5
Hymns 147, 150, 160
- 3:30pm – Choral Evensong
Stanford At Eastertide
Leighton Responses
Wood in F
Wesley Blessed be the God and Father
Vierne Final from Organ Symphony 6
Hymns 141 (t.i), 156
Visit Us:
Opening times
Monday-Saturday 10am – 4pm
please see our what’s on calendar for any changes
What to See?
Bradford Cathedral has been a site of Christian worship since the 7th century. Explore over 1000 years of history in the heart of Bradford. We also have a wealth of Morris & Co. stained glass, 18th Century monuments and a range of contemporary and historic textiles.
School Resources
Bradford Cathedral has also made available online resources for the season of Holy Week and Easter, for teachers, parents and carers.
Palm Sunday
Holy Week and Easter
- Holy Week and Easter PowerPoint- Meaning and key images
- Easter Story PowerPoint
- Bunting
- Butterfly template
- Colour-in Cross
- Design an Easter Cross
- Easter colouring
- Easter Story booklet and colouring
- Palm leaf template